by J. Bree
Read Dates: 4/28/24 to 4/30/24
'Savage Bonds' continues to delve into the lives and relationships we first saw in 'Broken Bonds'. Oli and get bond group continue to find ways to cope with her reluctance to complete the bond while also managing her growing gifts. Sage works to deal with the pain of not bonding with Riley while she gets closer to Felix. The resistance is growing bolder, and no one is quite sure how they are getting so close to the upper tier of bonded groups.
Throughout all that is going on within the group we see character growth within the characters as well as the developing interpersonal relationships within and outside of the bond groups. There are multiple characters that I can relate to and situations they are placed in that I can commiserate on how they react. While I still want to strangle some characters, I can also understand that they were written that way on purpose and I am reacting exactly the way the author hoped a reader would react. The last few chapters have been a whirlwind of revelations, "wtf just happened" moments and, by the way, that cliffhanger is not okay! I am so glad I have the next book ready to go.